Savage Gear 3D Soft Line Thru Sandeel 12.5 cm [20 g] S 1-pack
Savage Gear 3D Soft Line Thru Sandeel 12.5 cm [20 g] S 1-pack
3D SOFT LINE THRU SANDEEL Based on a scan of a real sandeel with incredibly lifelike details, this lure swims with a seducing s-curve action with the head slightly up. On the stop, the lure flutters and rolls backwards triggering very hard strikes from predators. A key feature of this lure is the inner hard alloy core with removable glass rattle at the back – this makes the lure cast a mile and gives it great grip in the water. Supplied with both GPS single hook and SGY-treble hook.
Two UV orange and two UV red soft bead
Two hard beads
Ring rigged SGY-treble hook #5
GPS single hook #1/0
Savage Gear 3D Soft Line Thru Sandeel 12.5 cm [20 g] S 1-pack
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3D SOFT LINE THRU SANDEEL Based on a scan of a real sandeel with incredibly lifelike details, this lure swims with a seducing s-curve action with the head slightly up. On the stop, the lure flutters and rolls backwards triggering very hard strikes from predators. A key feature of this lure is the inner hard alloy core with removable glass rattle at the back – this makes the lure cast a mile and gives it great grip in the water. Supplied with both GPS single hook and SGY-treble hook.
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