Savage Gear Pop Walker 2.0 11.5 cm [20.5 g] F 1-pack
Savage Gear Pop Walker 2.0 11.5 cm [20.5 g] F 1-pack
Tillfällig rea 10%
It pops more, it walks more, and it casts like a missile – the all-new version of the Pop Walker is out of this world. The advanced geometry of the body ensures an excellent walking action and great stability at all times, while the high-quality finish and perfect details make the lure irresistible. While walking, the lure combines a popping noise at each turn with a subtle rattling – sounds that will ensure any nearby predators are aware of its presence. An excellent sea bass lure that will help you catch more fish, even when the fish are heavily pressured. A wide variety of sizes available to cover LRF and light game too.
Poppin face
Ultra-long cast design
Ultimate walk-the-dog action
Built-in discreet rattle
Super-sharp and strong saltwater treble hooks
Savage Gear Pop Walker 2.0 11.5 cm [20.5 g] F 1-pack
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It pops more, it walks more, and it casts like a missile – the all-new version of the Pop Walker is out of this world. The advanced geometry of the body ensures an excellent walking action and great stability at all times, while the high-quality finish and perfect details make the lure irresistible. While walking, the lure combines a popping noise at each turn with a subtle rattling – sounds that will ensure any nearby predators are aware of its presence. An excellent sea bass lure that will help you catch more fish, even when the fish are heavily pressured. A wide variety of sizes available to cover LRF and light game too.
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Gädda, Havsabborre
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Krokstorleken benämns med en siffra. Desto högre siffra, desto mindre fiskekrok. Storlek 30 är en jätteliten krok, 4 är betydligt större. Står det en nolla efter, tex 2/0, är den ännu större. Desto högre siffra före nollan, desto större krok. Vi har ett sortiment från den mista kroken 30 till vår största 18/0.